Scientific Reports主编来信对课题组工作表示肯定


最近Scientific Reports主编Richard White来邮件对我室博士生闫楠等(导师陈乾旺教授)表示感谢,因2013年他们以题为《Hollow Porous SiO2 Nanocubes Towards High-performance Anodes for Lithium-ion Batteries》发表在该刊上的论文在过去两年获得41次引用,在该刊前100高被引用论文中位列21名。Richard White说:“在此期间该刊共发表了7000篇论文,引用位列前100的论文是非常优秀的,你们的工作对我刊做出了很大贡献,向你们表示感谢。”

关于Scientific Reports

Scientific Reports —出版业的一个新时代:Scientific Reports 是来自 Nature 杂志出版者的一个发表原始研究工作的刊物,在线出版,公开访问,内容涉及自然科学所有领域。托管在该网站是由自然出版集团出版的80多种刊物的共同门户,每月全球有数百万科学家访问)上,Scientific Reports 是任何人都可以公开访问的,发表在技术上可靠的、各领域内的专业人员感兴趣的原始研究论文,其相关内容的访问不受任何限制。

Scientific Reports 致力于为作者和读者提供一项高效的服务,其创刊的目的是为了帮助研究工作迅速得到同行评审并最终发表。由于有一个外部编委会的支持和一个简化了的审稿体系,所以所有论文都会迅速地、公正地得到同行评审,以确保它们在技术上是可靠的。一个内部出版团队与编委会和其论文已被接受的作者一起,确保稿件能够尽可能快地得到处理以供发表。通过一个连续在线出版程序,可以将被接受的论文迅速传播给最为广泛的受众。Scientific Reports 借助自然出版集团的工具、技术和经验来保证,所发表论文的质量能够通过创新的 Web 技术得到提高。另外,所有论文都在 PubMed Central 中存档。该刊物2013-2014最新影响因子为5.078

附: 信件全文(英文)

Dear Qianwang Chen,

Congratulations! Your research article ‘Hollow Porous SiO2 Nanocubes Towards High-performance Anodes for Lithium-ion Batteries‘ has received 41 citations to-date, placing the paper as the 23rd most cited article in the journal over the last 2 years.*

Scientific Reports has published over 7,000 papers in this period, and so a position in the top 100 most cited articles is an extraordinary achievement. Your science is a real credit to the journal, and we would like to say thank you.

The NPG team shall be promoting your article in the coming weeks, via email, social media and on the Scientific Reports site.

Get the word out yourself! Click here for a handy graphic to use as an email signature, or to send via social media to inform your friends and associates.

Once again, we would like to thank you for your contribution to Scientific Reports and very much hope you will consider publishing with us again.

Best wishes,

Richard White

Managing Editor, Scientific Reports

*According to the ISI Web of Science, covering January 2013 – present